This is a comprehensive listing of non-video format resources for WoW Classic players. It includes guides, opinion, web tools, spreadsheets, data, graphics and other information pages that you may find useful. It has been compiled over the last two years of waiting for Classic. Last updated: 22nd September 2019
If you would like to add your resource to the list private message me or leave a reply below and I will do so at the soonest opportunity.

Wowhead Classic
Infographic of race and class distribution by survey
Classic addons working in beta/planned/requested
Classic addons spreadsheet
WoW Interface Classic section
SixtyUpgrades - Item upgrade finding tool
Bobo talents - level by level talent progression tool
Which class should I choose? (web tool)
WoW Classic interactive maps (gamermaps)
Classic Buddy iOS/Android App

XPoff Twinks
Original forum mirror

WoW Classic Countdown + News
Is Classic out yet?
John Staats AMA
MMOchamp Classic Blue Tracker
Official forums Blue Tracker

Vanilla Friends
ClassicRaids Guild Finding Tool
Filterable spreadsheet of recruiting guilds
[Discord] Classic WoW Guilds

Basic stats
[Archived] Official WoW Game Guide
WoW Master Guide (Brady Games PDF)
/r/AzerothNoob Classic help for newcomers

VanillaQuesting.me (in-browser quest guide in React JS)
When will I ding 60 calculator
Infographic of skills attainable by level for each class
Infographic on how not to get dazed by mobs
Tigerlily's top 10 tips
Vanilla Cheat Sheet
Mob grinding XP chart
Mob levels by zone
Experience formula for all levels
Pie chart of XP required for each level
List of melee weapons for levelling
Orgrimmar points of interest map
Healing spells efficiency by level
Wands by level
Guide to rested experience
Checklist infographic for quest chapter collection
Maximising rep gains whilst levelling
This item begins a quest list

Triface's guide to vanilla tanking
Fire resistance gear
Zaxlor's Arms Warrior levelling cheat sheet
DPS warrior spreadsheet
Hiddeh's Fury Warrior guide
Handy visual for abilities by stance
[Nost]PvP Arms considerations by Arcuado
Fury gear + DPS spreadhseets
[Nost] 1.12 Warrior macros
Warrior basics by Bludge
[Podcast] Countdown to Classic on Warriors
[Discord] Fight Club (Warrior Classic)

Shadow Panther
Sword progression for Rogues infographic
Stockguy's info dump for Horde rogues
List of Classic Rogue macros
[Nost] Oto's Rogue guide
Lockpicking 1-300
So you want to level a dagger rogue?
1.12 BiS gear list
Which Rogue skills are worth buying when levelling
Minimal UD Rogue cheat sheet by DasMilo
[Discord] Rogue Classic
[Podcast] Countdown to Classic on Rogues

The Arrow and You
Vanilla Gaming 'How to Hunter'
Hunter macros
[Archived] Hunter damage cycles breakdown
WatchYourSixx' 1.12 Spreadsheet
Horde and Alliance BiS
Hunter levelling (fishing + cooking incl.) cheat sheet by KrispyKareem
Petopia Classic
Draakex's Hunter Levelling Sheet
Get a fucking owl
[Archived] TKA on Pet Attack Speeds
Rhok'delar quest chain
Ultimate leaf guide for Rhok
[Podcast] Countdown to Classic on Hunters
[Discord] Hunter Classic

Enhancement shaman quick infographic
Egregious' Resto Shaman Guide
Egregious' progressive itemisation list
Egregious' throughput and and efficiency tool
[Archived] Bloodskull School of Enhancement
Elemental PvP guide
[Elysium] King's Levelling Guide
[Podcast] Countdown to Classic on Shaman
[Discord] Shaman Classic

Paladin progressive item upgrades sheet, by xCellers
Vault of the Silverhands gear primer for Holy Paladins, by xCellers
[Elysium] Theloras' Retribution guide
[Elysium] Prot tanking by Ratziel
[Nost] Prot tank BiS
Holy Paladin PvE
Paladin blessings breakdown
[Podcast] Countdown to Classic on Paladins
[Discord] Paladin Classic

TopDPS's Raiding Guide
Zephan's gearsheet
Dreadsteed of Xoroth guide
Obtaining your Doomguard
Upgrading to T0.5
Warlock Tanking Guide
[Discord] Warlock Classic
[Podcast] Countdown to Classic on Warlocks

[Elysium] What the light will tell you
Tig's Holy BiS spreadsheet
Fount of Shadow theorycraft
Big's Disc PvP Guide
Covello's 2006 Priest levelling guide (wanding)
[Nost/Elysium] Fisher's Priest levelling guide
Getting lesser magic wand quickly
Shadow focus for PvP study
Shadow priest tips and tricks
Shadow priest gear + DPS calculator
[Discord] Priest Classic

Taladril's bear tanking guide
Taladril's List of Druid Gear
[Elysium] A Grizzly Situation (bear tanking)
By the great winds I come - Balance Druid treatise by Keftenk
Shedo's Feral Spreadsheet
[Nost] Boomkin 1.11 guide
[Nost] Resto Drood 1.8 guide
Alamo teechs u 2 play DURID
[Discord] Druid Classic

Infraos' 1.13 Mage Guide
AoE farming spots for mages tool
[Kronos] The PvE Mage for dummies
[Nost] Dalaran Tome of Knowledge
Frost Damage Calculator
[Discord] Mage Classic
[Podcast] Countdown to Classic on Mages

Ozgar's spell downranking tool
Pingaan's raiding sheets
BiS web tool divided by phases
SICK infographic for key/attunements by SivHD
Only Buff (enchants and consumables tool)
Dungeon maps for tanks by ReverendChris
WoW Rares - rare mob map locations site
Dungeon and Raid Loot Tool
Tips on DPS in dungeons
Threat guide and reference table
General healing guide
All abilities by class spreadsheet
BiS spreadsheet each class + stage
List of keys, attunements and summoning items
Spreadsheet of all Dungeon Quests
WoW Dungeon Companion (Brady Games PDF)
Vanilla guide to world buffs
Dungeon quests spreadsheet
Taladril's Consumables List
[Kronos] Attunements
Dungeon and Raid Keys guide
Flooent's reference sheet
Progressive itemisation for each patch. Now searchable!

PvP ranking/honor systems overview
Tears for Angwe
Griefing and creative ganking guide
[Discord] Classic WoW PvP
PvP Consumables List

Advanced AH gold making tips by Goblin Sachs
How to make best use of Bank Alts
Fishing/Cooking/Alchemy infographic for healer money making
Handy secondary professions visual guide
Saving gold for mounts
Professions overview wowhead
Legacy WoW 1-300 powerlevel guides
Skinning to vendor for gold
Cloth farming guide
[Podcast] Countdown to Classic on making gold part 1 and part 2
So you want to craft Sulfuras? [Infographic]
So you want to craft Thunderfury? [Infographic]
Alchemy, Cooking and Enchanting materials crafting spreadsheet
Very simple Cooking 1-300 using mostly Fishing
Learning the value of Gold

All 60 in-game lore books in a PDF (v2)
Choosing an appropriate name
Lore explanation imgur gallery
Family tree of WoW races
WoW RP name generator
The World's End Tavern guide to RP
Engadget guide to RP
Know your lore (Classic)
Alliance races
Horde races

Scrolls of lore art galleries
Blizzard developers portal
Original fan site kit
Win10 Classic Theme
WoW Development Wiki
Animated wallpapers by Minorou
Super upscaled high res world maps
Item PNGs for loot, by Athena
Improving Classic performance on Linux
Fixing Win10 Classic graphics bugs with AA
Raid scheduling and linking bot for Discords

FPS reminder for people with high Hz monitors

Classic WoW
Classic WoW EU
Classic WoW Theorycrafting
Classic WoW Live
Countdown to Classic
Classic Twink Theorycraft

All Classic factions having reputation infographic
High resolution detailed and labelled map of Azeroth
Azeroth Maps - interactive data maps for Classic
Wyri Maps Vanilla - google maps-type web tool
WoW Vanilla-era music playlist
Breakdown of each patch contents
Wall jumping album on imgur
Countdown to Classic Podcast
Total Biscuit's Blue Plz Radio

Bugs/feedback from demo megathread
WoW is Classic
[Archived] Original WoW Community website
[Archived] Goblin Worskhop

And this goes straight to favorites... thanks @teebling !

Hydraxian Waterlords - RP - EU
- Fendor - Tauren Shaman
- Ildebrando - Dwarf Hunter
- Osandiron - Dwarf Priest

[Local Defense] Menethil Harbour is under attack!
Bless you Angwe

Fantastic! This really helps with the pre-planning and prep. The mage section helps jog my fading memory. Thank you!

This is a great compilation! I see my Master Guide scan in there. I also uploaded the Dungeon Companion scan on my Archive.org account. You can see my name under the Master Guide page. I also uploaded the GIMP file for my detailed map on there if anyone wants to improve upon my map. I want someone to make it better honestly.

Inaccurate on the whole with a lot of private server-only stuff like front stabbing for rogues etc. I’ve had a lot of people asking me to take them down.

Just read through this list and noticed that the "PvP Consumables list" is listed under "PvE General". Intended or typo? :)

The fury warrior spreadsheet seems broken somehow, i'm getting a few #DIV/0 errors in the calculations, and are unable to trace them.

Found tons of useful information on this thread. Thanks for localizing all this information for the community! Cheers
Frontstabbing isn't a private server thing. Please stop saying this before looking into it. It had always been possible. It takes a single google search to find sauce, but here is the first
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=53/backstab#comments Ohera commented on this. I promise I did this from Vanilla all the way up until Cataclysm (on 20-30 ms latency), after which it might have still worked, but I never tried.
I'm not trying to flex and act like a smartass or anything, I just want the truth to be out there: it was never a bug, it was somewhat of an exploit, clever usage of game mechanics, it was never a latency issue or a private server thing.

Hey Pork,
Thanks for the input. I don’t have time to verify, curate and compile everything here with 100% accuracy so I’m willing to believe the overwhelming reports from other users that it isn’t possible to fronstab in Classic rather than your anecdotal evidence.
That said - if you can provide a source from say Classic beta then I’d be very willing to reconsider reinstating those guides and thank you for bringing this to my attention

It is not possible to pull off in the Classic beta. But I promise you, it was very much so in retail. Sadly, there's no evidence other than the people who used to do it, since there is no way to provide you with evidence that it was possible in Classic, BC, WotLK and Cata. Those games don't exist anymore. I can only appeal to the few people who found out about it, and our past experiences with wallhuggers, especially when shadowstep was introduced. You would be ported on top of the target, and be at the exact same x/y/z coords as the opponent, you would be able to use backstab, ambush and garrote, even when facing the opposite direction of your target, effectively ''frontstabbing''. This is just how hitboxes used to work: you and your target could be facing each other, be able to attack each other, but be registered as behind each other. Somehow, ''target being in front of you'' and ''you being behind the target'' are not mutually exclusive (!), again, afaik, since 2006 till 2012.teebling wrote: ↑5 years agoHey Pork,
Thanks for the input. I don’t have time to verify, curate and compile everything here with 100% accuracy so I’m willing to believe the overwhelming reports from other users that it isn’t possible to fronstab in Classic rather than your anecdotal evidence.
That said - if you can provide a source from say Classic beta then I’d be very willing to reconsider reinstating those guides and thank you for bringing this to my attention![]()
I know I am speaking in the face of many, but I am right. I am not accusing anyone of ignorance, and I understand few will believe me, but I did this, and there is no reason for me to lie. It was a very awkward trick and required you to spazz out in the hitbox while spamming backstab, hence it wasn't a thing you'd find out easily (I barely grasp why I did it in the first place, I was a bit bored leveling sometimes), but easy once you got the hang of it.

Alright well in that case we’ll have to test your findings when Classic releases to see if works on the live version.Porkchopper wrote: ↑5 years agoIt is not possible to pull off in the Classic beta.teebling wrote: ↑5 years agoHey Pork,
Thanks for the input. I don’t have time to verify, curate and compile everything here with 100% accuracy so I’m willing to believe the overwhelming reports from other users that it isn’t possible to fronstab in Classic rather than your anecdotal evidence.
That said - if you can provide a source from say Classic beta then I’d be very willing to reconsider reinstating those guides and thank you for bringing this to my attention![]()

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