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Caperfin's Guide to the Melee Hunter
by Caperfin • 14th April 2019

Hi, my name is Caperfin and welcome to my guide! Every possible topic that comes to mind will be analysed to answer lingering questions
you might have. In the unfortunate scenario a topic is not addressed or poorly please bring it to my attention. I expect the same amount of
scrutiny from readers as I have put into writing this guide, so don't hold back.

Traditionally, hunters were designed and relegated to be played as a ranged class and the legitimacy of a hunter in the melee
role was rarely considered. However, with a game that has been dissected for over a decade this dated notion has now been
disregarded with the advent of tools. Therefore, our wild animal taming friend can retire his projectile launching weapon days
and opt for spending his glory days in the heat of battle alongside other melee classes.
Gear + Enchants

Before continuing, its important to remember you are not only perusing a certain path but also playing a class that demands a
great deal of effort for other players to recognise. A melee hunter in a raid has the ability to not only provide a large amount of
personal damage but also the capability of aiding other teammates. However, you must choose which path to take and invest
all effort into it to be effective.


Races play a big part as we are grasping for any amount of extra efficiency possible. Hunters are available to 5 races: Night Elf and Dwarf
for the Alliance. Tauren , Orc , and Troll for the Horde. This section will explore the most popular & efficient races for our goals. Let's begin
by taking a look at the most efficient faction as both of them provide different benefits. In our rigorous testing, the Horde faction is the clear
as the tools provided by them heavily trumps what the Alliance has to offer. An example, of one of these tools is which, is a massive contribution to our overall melee damage. Next, lets see the most beneficial race within the Horde. As previously mentioned, we are gifted with three possible races: Orc, Troll and Tauren. But sadly our bovine friend doesn't yield any racial benefits. Therefore, our eyes are mostly set on Orc and Troll. There is no clear winner as both races excel under different scenarios. Let's breakdown both to showcase the differences.

Troll ... ialization / ... ialization: Increases chance to hit with bow and thrown while increasing damage. Whether it be physical or magical, all damage against creatures categorised as Beasts is bolstered by 5%. Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health regeneration may continue during combat. Increases your spell casting and attack speed by 10% to 25%. At full health the speed increase is 10% with...

What does this mean?: Ultimately, if a boss can be vanquished in ~2min or less, Troll is the correct decision. It should be noted, Berserking
also improves range attack speed. Contrary to popular belief, melee hunters do use the occasional ranged ability. In conclusion, going Troll
might not be the route for everyone as its very situational and inconsistent.

Orc ... ialization: Increase chance to hit with one handed and two handed axes and increases damage done with them. Increases base melee attack power by 25% for 15 sec & reduces healing effects on you by 50% for 25 sec... Chance to resist Stun effects increased by an additional 25%. (Sadly, will rarely if ever see any usage in PvE) Both physical and magical damage dealt by Hunter and Warlock pets is improved by 5%.

What does this mean?: Similar to the previous race, however, Orcs are the better damage option overall. Regardless, of the boss type your
are facing. Ultimately, Orc should deal the most damage. I suggest Orc because the talent setup we will be choosing later compliments our
racial skill Command and the bonus to skill with axes and two-handed axes is nothing to scoff at either as many notable weapons are axes.
Other Races

If you are dead set on affiliating with the Alliance, I suggests Night Elf as they have the highest agility. This isn't to say you should be forced to play a certain race, rather you should be aware of the differences and make the according decision that aligns with your preferences.

Hunters have the advantage of taming and acquiring a pet at level 10. Our little companion help us not only level at a ludicrously fast speed
but also provides some decent damage in raids once we are level 60. Since this is not a leveling guide, we'll be skipping pets that help with
leveling and go straight to pets used for raiding. It should be noted, if you don't cater to the survival of your pet it will be a detriment to your
overall dps. Therefore, it'snot only necessary to move out of the "giant fire" on the ground but also manage the position of your pet. Players
who master this notion, should heavily consider investing into buffs for their pet. This section will showcase pets most suited for our needs.
Let's begin!
Firstly, on the list is the wind serpent residing in Zul'Gurub named This creature is available in Phase 4 and can use the exclusive spell: ... ing-breath which scales with buffs that bolster magical damage. Also, this serpent can deliver damage from a safe ranged position without receiving damage from melee elements. Sadly, there isn't, which sees some situational usefulness. However, on average this pet is ideal for most bosses.

Second on the list are cats because of their higher than average attack speed. The fastest attacking speed cat and therefore best cat for us is

Thirdly, is the wolf animal family. Wolfs are the ideal support pet as they posses which increases the damage output of the party, especially warriors who play the DPS role. It's also common to have this pet, if a boss fight will surely lead to your pet's death.


While leveling, select Herbalism & Alchemy. Herbalism provides reagents for Alchemy and a source of gold for our eventual endgame professions. The goal is to gather a large supply of gold and a bank full of potions the raid might need, for ex: A valid case can be made for having a lvl 5 character in a major city to disenchant unwanted items through mail and store items at a bank for later use.
Afterwards abandon Herbalism and go for the late game profession, Engineering. In order to scoop up a few useful tools, such as:, among many other gadgets.

Finally, for secondary professions, I urge grabbing all of them as they all provide valuable assets. In terms of fishing, you can farm those elusive Stonescale Eels that are highly contested after for Flask of the Titans. First aid grants bandages for healing that don't require any mana to use. Lastly, cooking has Dragonbreath Chili a sheer delight as it not only scales with spell damage but also alongside the trinket: ... dragonling fire increasing debuff: This debuff scales with Goblin Sapper charge as well. All these items nicely combine into a decent boost in threat. Contrary to popular belief, ... eath-chili does stack with another food buff.

Some buffs are unobtainable due to certain patch restrictions or unable to stack with others. Let's highlight a few important facts about buffs. There is a max of 32 buffs: Talents, Set bonuses & Equip effects don't count. But Gear enchants count with exceptions: (Crusader enchant and enchants from the profession enchanting don't count.) Resistance enchants however need to be reconfirmed as they make it seem now like those should count. The following buffs are classified into sub-groups to better highlight their usefulness and showcase different options.
Damage Increasing BuffsShow +140 Attack power, +10% spell crit & +5% melee. +200 Attack power +50 Attack Power. +185 Attack power for 2 min. (increased by warrior talent & T2 warrior set equipped before casting) +40 Attack power. +10% Agility or +10% damage. (A damage version of this buff also exists) +25 Agility. +25 Agility, +2% Melee Crit. (the agi stat will not stack w/Agamaggan's Agilitiy but the crit part will) +10 Agility for 30min. +77 Agility (effect is increased through a shaman talent) +12 Agility for 30min. (non-repeatable Horde quest reward item) +10 Agility for 10min. (does not stack with other food buffs) +77 Strength. (effect is increased through a shaman talent) +10 Strength for 30 min. +10 Intellect for 30 min. +20 Intellect. +31 Intellect. +5% Attack Speed for 4 min. +15% Melee Haste, +300 Hp, 10 mana regen every 5 seconds. Grants 25% haste to the party for 8 sec. +3% Attack Speed for 20 sec. Melee weapon has a 15% chance of casting Shadowbolt III at the opponent when it hits. +10 mana every 2 sec. Increases Mana regen by 400% for 20 sec. Deals 50 Fire dmg to target within 5yds every 3 sec for 15 sec. +150 damage done by magical spells & effects for 2 hr. Only 1 flask effect can be active at a time. +20 dmg dealt from spells & abilities. +5% dmg to melee, range and spell damage dealt. The target receives +20% spell damage & healing for 15 sec. Increases a melee, ranged, or spell to crit by 5%, +15 all stats. 2% chance when struck in combat of increasing all stats by 25 for 1 min. +10 move speed, +15 all stats. +384 armor, +12 all attributes,+27 all resistance. Increases spell fire damage by up to 40 for 30 min. Increases intellect and spirit by 5 and frost damage done by 15. Increases spell frost damage by up to 15 for 30 min. Often deals ~68 dmg at targets in melee. (scales with spell damage) (does not stack with other food buffs).

Mind Control Buffs

I wouldn't be thorough if I didn't mention the wonderful world of Mind Control buffing. It is possible for an alliance priest to use their basic shadow spell: or someone with the engineering to create and use the head slot item against players of the opposing faction. For that duration the mind controlled Horde character is now considered an Alliance player. This allows the character to receive buffs from paladins. In the many guild raids I’ve taken part, we'd have 2-3 players log onto to their lvl 60 pallies and level 60 priests and stationed themselves near the raid entrance or zone for mind control buffing. Before undertaking this endeavor, be sure that the server allows for the Mind Control possibility and find out its exact limits. The fun doesn't stop there. It is also possible for a priest of any faction to Mind Control certain mobs which can be controlled to dish out beneficial buffs to all raid members. In order, to fully utilize the duration of these buffs, its advised to have warlock be ready for immediate summoning.

Mind Control BuffsShow +45 mana per 5 seconds. Note: Icon vanishes if mana totem casted, but the effect is still present. Gives more attack power than Strength of Earth Totem. (doesn't stack). +10% to all stats for 15 min.

Mind Control Buffs from MobsShow Comes from Twilight Emissary in BRD, he increases the magical damage dealt by an ally by 25 for 30 min. Gordok Mage-Lord in DM, increases an ally's attack speed by 60% for ONLY 30 sec. A great buff for threat generation. Hamhock in Stockades, increases an ally's attack speed by 30% for ONLY 30 sec.

Special Event Buffs

On an ending note for buffs, we can also get buffs from special events/holidays. An example, is The Midsummer Fire Festival a seasonal event that celebrates the hottest season of the year. It starts on the (earthly) northern summer solstice, and lasts about two weeks (mid-late June to early July, usually). The next ones are Love is in the Air, Lunar Festival, Wickerman Festival and Scourge Invasion that all feature some useful buffs for tanking. It is possible for the Love is in the Air Capital Gift Collection buffs to be stacked with each other, ask around to find out its exact limits. The following buffs are separated by their event.

Special Event BuffsShow Increases Intellect by 30 for 1 hour. Increases Intellect by 30 for 1 hour. Increases Agility by 30 for 1 hour. Increases Agility by 30 for 1 hour. Increases damage done from spells by up to 23 for 1 hr. 30% chance to deal 60 Fire dmg on any melee, ranged, or spell attack. (works outside only) Improves your chance to hit by 2% for 1 hr. Increases critical strike percent and spell critical strike percent by 3% for 1 hr. Increases damage done from spells by up to 23 for 1 hr. Improves your chance to hit by 2% for 1 hr. +10% to all stats for 30min. All stats increased by 10% for 1hr. Increases all damage caused by 10% for 30 minutes.


There can be a total of 16 debuffs applicable on a boss. All debuffs on the list below benefit us and are assumed to be at their maximum rank/talent improvement. The following debuffs are classified into sub-groups to better highlight their usefulness and showcase different options.

DebuffsShow - 290 armor but bolsters melee attack power by 45. Only 1 warlock curse can be active on any 1 target. Reduces target's armor per combo point. (might not stack with Sunder Armor but reduces more than Sunder Armor) Reduces armor by 450. Can be applied up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec. Reduces an enemy's armor by 200. Stacks up to 3 times. Reduces armor by 505 for 40 sec. While active, the target cannot stealth or go invisible. Increases the Ranged Attack Power of all attackers against that target by 450 for 7 sec. (Warlock): Shadow Bolt critical strikes increase Shadow damage dealt to the target by 20% until 4 non... Reduces Shadow & Arcane resistances by 75 & increasing Shadow and Arcane damage taken by 10%. (Priest): This vulnerability increases the Shadow damage dealt to your target by 3% and lasts 15 sec. Stacks... This vulnerability increases the Fire damage dealt to the target by 3% and lasts 30 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. (Arcanite Dragonling): Used to increase the damage of fire traps and Dragonbreath Chili. -75 resistance to Fire & Frost and increase Fire and Frost damage taken by 10%. Only 1 Curse per... The enemy has a 30% chance of being inflicted with disease that increases dmg taken by 8 for 3 min. Lasts 30 min. Spell damage taken by target increased by 15% for 5 sec.

The interesting part about gearing a melee hunter is its similarity with the traditional range hunter. It's possible to play as a ranged hunter and transition to melee later fairly easy. You won't need to convince players about your desire for unconventional gear and go into a diatribe about your plan to go melee hunter later. A hunter's melee weapon will often dictate their role in a raid. In the earlier portions/phases of the game, two-handed weapons are more sought after since there's less of a need to get gear with "Hit" on it. Down below is a weapon table to illustrate notable weapons for each content phase.

2H: The highest damage dealing weapon in this Phase. Synergizes with the Orc weapon skill racial.
1H: (BEING TESTED) Wielding two of these seems to output more damage than high tier weapons.
2H: The life steal effect scales with spell damage buffs & gear alongside shadow damage increasing debuffs. Also, it is common to enchant it with due to its similar scaling.
1H: Usually, dual-wielded but not a serious damage contender compared to other weapons.

2H: In charge of triggering the weapon's effect, improving group haste by 25% for 8sec. & (half damage, half support)
2h: VERY HARD TO OBTAIN but will out-damage previous weapons.
2H: Increases all magical damage taken by the target. This weapons enables the hunter to reach the most efficiency possible within the support role.
1H: (only relevant if Orc): Typically, dual-wielded an
2H: It shares the same scaling similarities as previous "life stealing" weapons.
2H: is the best in slot weapon for a melee hunter revolving around personal damage. It shares the same scaling similarities as previous "life stealing" weapons.

The beauty about gearing a melee hunter is that a Support Hunter and a Personal Damage Hunter wear very similar gear.
Down below is a url to a spreadsheet with a plethora of options for proper gearing:
Gear SpreadsheetShow
Updating for Classic WoW

Enchants similar to gear need to be tailored for our purposes.
Enchant SpreadsheetShow
What is FD? or refereed to as "FD" is similar to the rogue spell: FD grants us the capability to leave combat but because bosses ever so often, pulsate an aura that automatically puts nearby targets in combat, we must be fast with our fingers. The amount of time it takes for the combat aura to effect the hunter depends on the boss. A few of the many actions, we can do while out of combat are: eat food to regenerate our resources, cast hunter trap spells, reset our threat on the target and equip different gear. Its recommended, installing the addon: Item Rack to automatically equip items the very second combat is dropped.

For the sake of generality and simplicity these talents setups assume you're taking part in a serious guild who are confidently clearing raids. During guild progression it is suggested to fulfil the support role until your guild is comfortable with you going the personal damage increasing role.

"Short Fights"
Mostly for ~2min boss fights. This talent setup reaches higher damage if the player is an Orc. It is imperative to keep you pet alive for as long as possible. In the situation, this is not possible, consider the talent setup below.
Detailed ExplanationShow

Can I put points in the Marksmanship talent tree?
Yes. Although, situational if a boss fight requires running around and keeping a distance, these talents come into action:

Why and not ... eign-death?
The boss has a higher chance to resist traps than Feign Death.

Why ... e-training & not ... f-the-hawk?
Points can be withdrawn from Endurance Training, if your pet rarely approaches death and paced in Improved Aspect of the Hawk for the occasional fight that requires you to move around and stand away from the boss.

"Anti-Pet Fights"
The solution for your pet dying for whatever reason and +2min fights. But it's an "End game" option since later raiding content gives the required agility from gear to make it relevant. Also, ideal for boss fights with a lot of moving or keeping a distance.

Detailed ExplanationShow ... e-training not ... f-the-hawk?
Points can be withdrawn from Endurance Training, if your pet rarely approaches death and paced in Improved Aspect of the Hawk for the occasional fight that requires you to move around and stand away from the boss.
Fully devoting yourself to support allies. Typically, this talent setup is taken during a guild's progression through a raid. Most likely you will be placed with warriors who are playing the damage dealing role within a group.

Detailed ExplanationShow

Why ... e-training & not ... f-the-hawk?
Points can be withdrawn from Endurance Training, if your pet rarely approaches death and paced in Improved Aspect of the Hawk for the occasional fight that requires you to move around and stand away from the boss.

Be prepared to fill most of your action bars with spells and different ranks of ced spells. World of Warcraft as a default only offers a few action bars, so consider installing an addon to increase the numbers of bars available to you. Typically, should be casted by another hunter with the talent But in the unlikelihood no one has the talent version, throw a normal version up to be courteous. Remember, it only lasts 2min, so keep an eye on it and make sure to reapply it. A straightforward spell, that share the same similarities as the previous spell. Typically, I suggest the rank 1 version of this spell, unless you posses a plethora of mana regenerative item, than you can go for its maximum rank Wing Clip. A skilled hunter should aim to end a fight with nearly no mana left. or commonly known as "MS", sees some usefulness when travelling from one point to another. This spell is the most common "shot" within our repertoire and can cause devastating damage when paired with the debuff Expose Weakness. Typically, a permanent ranged hunter has the responsibility of applying this debuff. Weirdly, it scales with spell damage and fire damage increasing effects such as Flame Buffet from an AD. However, we can only cast this trap spell out of combat, we can rectify this problem with the help of FD. A standard damage increasing spell that is commonly used. : Because this spell shares a cooldown with JuJu Flurry. I only recommend to use this ranged ability in the rare case JuJu Flurry is not available and you are forced to move enabling you to use your ranged weapon for a brief moment. Mostly, known around the community as FD. There are clever tricks you can pull, such as: granting us the ability to consume food, change gear, place traps, etc... Please refer to the section: What is FD? to learn more about it. Although our main goal is to deal as much damage as possible, we can't afford the boss to enrage, so we take it upon ourselves to use it when asked.

Pre-Pull: Before the raid starts, make sure you and your pets get the most buffs out there in the world. I suggest you dismiss your pet after acquiring each new buff to avoid using up the time on the buffs.

Pulling: Summon your pet and ask the raid for the remaining last few buffs on it. Equip, cast MS. Immediately, reequip your normal melee weapon and run to the boss alongside other melee classes.

Combat: Activate JuJu Flurry and Oil of Immolation and wait 1-2 seconds until and similar debuffs are applied. You will be constantly using Oil of immolation but be cautious it resets your swing timer, so install a swing timer addon to optimize it. Once the majority of damage increasing debuffs are on the boss activate 2 damage increasing trinkets and hit the boss with WG in conjunction with RS. Once the effect from both trinkets are expired, cast FD and equip 2 passive dps trinkets, if mana permits it, you can place an Immolation Trap. Throughout the entire boss fight, simply repeat the normal rotation of RS and WG.

Situational: If you need to run to another target, sneak in an Arcane Shot as you run, either on the boss or the target ahead of you. (If the distance is long enough, you can equip Primal Blessing + a faster ranged weapon such as:, activate Rapid fire and sneak in a MS. Afterwards, requip your normal gear.) If your pet (who is fully buffed) will foreseeable die to a raid mechanic, cast immediately after a weapon swing to get your pet out of danger.


Can you TLDR melee hunters? tell me the essentials, don't worry I know the game terms.
I'll try. Be in melee, use powerful spell damage & physical damage consumables, ex: Flask of Surpreme Power. Equip a life-stealing weapon, enchant with Shadow Oil. Spam Wing Cip and Raptor Strike. If you're looking to support instead, equip a weapon that helps others like Nightfall. DONE.

Why play a Melee Hunter when being a ranged hunter is available?
I addressed this in Introduction. Also, a Personal Damage Hunter (if played properly) has proven to reproduce similar damage as a ranged hunter and out damage them in certain scenarios.

How did you find out about Melee Hunters?
I've been working on these type of non-conventional ways of playing the game for years. It was pure curiosity fulled by trying to put a refreshing spin on an old game.

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Arathi Basin
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This guide is amazing, not a Mainchar for me, but maybe a twink :p?
Thank you much for that!

Undead Priest @ <reLAX>
Twitch Channel, feel free to take a look :)!
Druid Restoration
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OC Yojamba
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Caperfin wrote:
5 years ago
Neretzek, The Blood Drinker is the soonest weapon a hunter can acquire to start melee'ing a boss for the purpose of doing personal damage
When the first weapon that makes your build somewhat viable is from AQ40 trash and the other recommend weapon is Ashbringer, I kind of lose interest. I've always wondered if melee Hunter could work, but this portion of the guide is quite disheartening. Melee Hunter could be great fun, but I don't know if it is truly viable. I always wanted a legolas style dual wield melee Hunter to work in Vanilla, but I think that will remain a fantasy.

Lvl 60
Lvl 35
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hit the boss with WG in conjunction with RS.
Excuse me if I missed an obvious point anywhere, however, what is WG?

Expect the worst. Hope for the best.
Warrior Fury
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US Fairbanks
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Selexin wrote:
5 years ago
Caperfin wrote:
5 years ago
Neretzek, The Blood Drinker is the soonest weapon a hunter can acquire to start melee'ing a boss for the purpose of doing personal damage
When the first weapon that makes your build somewhat viable is from AQ40 trash and the other recommend weapon is Ashbringer, I kind of lose interest. I've always wondered if melee Hunter could work, but this portion of the guide is quite disheartening. Melee Hunter could be great fun, but I don't know if it is truly viable. I always wanted a legolas style dual wield melee Hunter to work in Vanilla, but I think that will remain a fantasy.
Yeah, the primary argument for a melee hunter would be having the highest potential for nightfall uptime. I have seen some theorycrafting while using ravager and sapper charges for AoE pulls that seems to yield some high numbers as well (on private), but this will be another fringe spec that requires a lot more gear than is realistic for most players.

As soon as you drop the nightfall to increase your own personal DPS you decrease the throughput of the entire team, meaning someone else will need to pickup a nightfall. It is typically just better to let the guy who has always wielded the nightfall to continue doing so.

Nightfall is one of those ace in the hole items that can validate A LOT of fringe specs. If the boomkin could equip this item, it would be used to validate playing a boomkin. If the shadowpriest could wield this item, they would use it to add a value argument to their spec. Unfortunately for many would-be meme specs, there can be only one nightfall wielding player in the raid.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
5 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink: